Step 1 : Click on "+" button on connect page to create a new connection.

Step 2 : Click on "Hadoop" from big data section from list of datasources

Step 3: Provide required details listed below to connect to your hadoop cluster. Click on validate to test the connection.

  • Datasource name - name for the data source connection you want to give
  • Datasource Tags - Tags you wish to associate with respective datasource
  • Hostname or IP -  namenode ip address
  • Port - namenode port to connect to
  • File type - select file type such as delimited,log etc from drop down
  • URL -  hdfs file location in URL 
  • Separator - column separator used
  • Other Separator - You can explicitly provide any other separator which are not in the separator list
  • Quote char - quote character used if any
  • Escape char - escapr character used if any
  • First row is header - select checkmark if your first row is header
  • Trim whitespace - select checkmark if you do not want any whitespaces in your file
  • Save Connection Details - Select checkbox to Save the connection details for future usage

Step 4:  You will be shown preview of your data from hdfs file on your next screen if connected successfully.